5 Slim Down Secrets to Spring into Shape!

Forty percent of American adults don’t participate in any leisure-time physical activity. If you’ve been hibernating this winter and are noticing the extra pounds adding up, it’s time to get some extra activity during your daily routine. Remember, exercise is just one component; you must also follow a healthy diet to control weight gain.

You can lose extra weight and keep it off this spring with these 5 slim down secrets:

1. Drink More Water! Studies show proper hydration keeps your metabolism running at its peak.

2. Boost Energy with Breakfast!Start your day with sensible selections like fresh fruit, nonfat milk, protein foods such as peanut butter or eggs and whole grains. An easy, on-the-go breakfast is a peanut butter and banana sandwich!

3. Keep Lunch Light! Avoid the temptation to order out. Plan a lunch that includes vegetables and a lean protein source like tuna or boneless skinless chicken breast. Watch out for heavy dressings and mayonnaise.

4. Plan Snacks! Eating mini between-meal snacks can help control portions at mealtime by curbing hunger.

5. Commit to exercise! Develop a routine you enjoy and stick with it! Exercise can be broken up into short burst of activity throughout the day; 15 minutes during lunch and 15 minutes after dinner –30 minutes a day; now that’s no sweat!