Glorious Gluten Free Holidays

Marshmallow Crispy Rice

The holidays bring an abundance of joy through family gatherings, gift exchanges and of course sweet treats! This holiday season, remember that people living with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance also like to partake in the sweetness holidays bring.

A gluten-free diet is free of all forms of wheat, rye, barley, and some oats. When using oats be sure to select brands labeled “gluten free”.

Appropriate side dishes include potatoes, quinoa and rice. All fruits and vegetables are naturally gluten free so be sure to have an abundance of these available for your guests. In addition, proteins such as meats, poultry, fish, nuts and eggs are also safe for your gluten free guest.

Tasty selections for dessert include: candied nuts, baked apples, rice-marshmallow treats, and chocolate covered strawberries. You may also purchase gluten-free cake mix for cupcakes and other cake based desserts!*

*Please make sure to read packaging to confirm the product is labeled gluten free.