Summer Sweets

Summer brings many sweet things our way – warm weather, outdoor activities, beach time, abundant produce and even more smiles. For me, summer is also a time I like to enjoy certain sweets like ice cream, berries and frozen desserts.

You can create amazing sweets using ordinary ingredients and even come up with some healthier options.

  • Ice Cream Sandwiches: Pair fresh baked cookies with your favorite ice cream. Here’s an easy tip, purchase pint size ice cream, slice through the paper container using a sharp serrated knife to create ice cream rounds, remove the paper and place ice cream between two cookies. Wrap with aluminum foil and freeze.
  • Berry desserts such as strawberry short cakes, cobblers, plum upside down cake and fresh berries with whipped topping are great ways to enjoy seasonal fruits.

Fruit Granita, a Granita is an Italian frozen dessert that has the texture of a snow cone. These refreshing desserts can be prepared with a variety of fruit ingredients making it a healthier alternative to heavier desserts. See tasty recipe below.