How many stores do you have and where are they located?

We have 2  stores located in Brooklyn, New York. Visit our Store Locator to find your nearest store!


Does Brooklyn Harvest have a Privacy Policy?

Yes, please visit the Privacy Policy link in the footer of our website to learn more.

Will my information be shared with other vendors?

Our customers’ privacy is of the utmost importance to Brooklyn Harvest. We do not sell, trade, or rent personal information about individual members (such as name, address, email address) to third parties. During registration and checkout a user is required to give their contact information (such as name, phone number and email address). This information is used to contact the user about the services on our site for which they have expressed interest and to get in touch with the user if we have trouble processing an order. We value our customers and we take seriously their privacy concerns.


How can I contact Brooklyn Harvest if I have a question, feedback or complaint?

Click the Contact Us link located on the website footer and choose the store your comment/concern is regarding. If it is a general message, you do not need to do so.