Protecting Mother Earth

By: Jacqueline Gomes, RDN, MBA

April 22nd is Earth Day, and what better way to show appreciation for our planet then by adopting eco-friendly food habits.

Believe it or not, the way we handle, use and choose our foods can play a major role in conserving energy and preserving the environment. Here are three ways you can implement change for a better Earth and a better you.

  1. Buy local, organic, and seasonal produce. Reduce harm to the environment caused by transport and obtain foods at their peak nutritional quality!
  2. Reuse cups, utensils and bottles. Reusable bottles and utensils are a great way to cut back on waste. Don’t forget to Properly recycle when it is time to dispose of these items.
  3. Enjoy meatless meals. Greenhouse gases produced from animal farming are one of the greatest sources of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, even more so than car pollution!

Reduce your carbon footprint by enjoying plant-based proteins more often like Franklin Farms Veggie burgers.


Arugula-Guac Veggie Burger

a veggie burger made with arugula and guacamole

Makes: 2 Burgers

Prep: 5 minutes




  • ¼ cup prepared guacamole
  • ¼ cup light mayonnaise
  • ½ lime, juiced
  • ¼ cup cilantro


  • 2 English Muffins or whole grain buns
  • 1 handful arugula
  • 2 Franklin Farms Veggie Burgers, original



  1. Prepare sauce: Combine all ingredients in a bowl, mix well and refrigerate.
  2. Meanwhile, place veggie burgers on skillet and cook according to package directions. Toast English muffins.
  3. Assemble burger: Spread sauce on one side of English muffin followed by ½ the arugula and 1 veggie burger. Top with remaining muffin half. Repeat with remaining ingredients.

Recipe by: Jacqueline Gomes, RDN, MBA